Introducing a space to learn, reclaim your health, & live real.
Get accessible lifestyle & nutritional guidance to realign yourself with your ancestral DNA; in-person or from the comfort of your home.
The Approach
As a nutritional therapy practitioner I follow a bio-individualized approach that focuses on supporting your body through diet, digestion, blood sugar regulation, fatty acid/mineral balance, and hydration! In addition we’ll work through supporting the endocrine system (balancing hormones), detoxification, cardiovascular, and the immune system! - while also diving into environmental factors & emotional barriers.
Hit the blog and article tab to learn, grab some water to sip on while checking out our latest media updates, check out the shop, or make an appointment that’ll take place in person with Lex in Ripon, WI in a beautiful consult space; or set up a consult via phone or zoom call with special individualized care.